Thomas More Institute School Crest

Thomas More Institute

Bishop's University School Crest

Bishop's University


TMI Library

We are book people. TMI’s walls are adorned with a substantial book collection that has been thoughtfully curated for decades—more than 6,000 titles touching all fields in the liberal arts and humanities. All volumes in the collection are available for borrowing, free of charge. TMI nourishes its library with copies of the required books for every course. Degree and certificate students are encouraged to use this resource to complement their studies, though all community members are welcome to peruse the library for pleasure and personal interest. We warmly invite everyone to discover our delightful collection.

Click here to view our library pamphlet.

Finding a Book

As a member of TMI, you have access to the online library system, LibraryThing ( To access it, ask for the username and password at reception. Upon logging into the site, you will be able to search for books using their title, the author’s name, or the book’s ISBN.

How to Search Online

Go to the “my books” section and type your selected book into the “search your library” search bar. You will then find whether or not it is in the collection. With the category of the book listed, you will be able to locate it in the library following the maps posted in each room and on this pamphlet. The room listed online may not accurately represent its true location due to recent changes.

If the Book is Not Found

If the book you are searching for does not come up, make sure that you are searching under “all collections” on the upper left hand side of the screen, not a specific room. If it still does not come up, it is not in the collection.

Other Methods of Finding a Book

Alternatively, you may search for a book by simply perusing the shelves of our library. If you need help, you may refer to the map on the back of this pamphlet. The rooms are numbered and there are guides posted in each for further detail.

Borrowing Guidelines

TMI members are able to check out any number of books of their choosing. To check out a book, fill in the required information in the Check Out booklet at reception. We rely on an “honour system” which requires the borrower to return the material within a reasonable period of 4-6 weeks—but no later than 6 weeks.

Special and Rare Books

Due to the nature of these books, they have been reserved to the director’s office for viewing and may not be removed from TMI. This includes a small selection of antiquarian books, first editions and rare copies, books by Lonergan, Voegelin, and Frye, as well as TMI publications. For this reason, they are not listed on the map. However, should these books be of interest, the director’s office is located on the left once you walk past the North Room.